A medical emergency is not subject to planned events; you should prepare yourself to go to an ER when you need it. There is no denying that medical emergencies are restless and fearful. However, you can make it smoother when you know things to be taken to the emergency room.
You should also speak about them to your friends and loved ones in case of emergency or if you cannot speak for yourself. While you hope not to go to the ER for treatment, you should have things on hand when such circumstance arises.
List of Medications:
When you arrive at the ER to receive prompt treatment, your doctor would want to know about what medications can cause deadly reactions to you. This will also help him to know what kind of medication to prescribe for your condition that will not react or interact with your current medication.
List of Allergies:
Just as you carry the list of medications, do not forget to bring a list of allergies you have. All he wants to know is whether you can take antibiotics, aspirin, or any other lifesaving medicine without a bad outcome. With the list of your allergies, doctors and nurse can provide you the best treatment hence prevent any complication that could arise from allergic reaction.
Legal Documents:
Besides saving your life, your doctor also wants to know the extent you want to receive medical treatment. If you have a power of attorney or consent to treat form, take the document to the emergency room. It will help him to know your desire to know the limit of treatment you can be given in the ER and in case of transfer to the local Hospital. This piece of documents will guide him or the local hospital to know if you could receive treatments like life support, surgery, blood transfusions, or other medical services. It can also help your acquaintances to avoid disputes about what treatment you should receive.
Photo Identification and Insurance card:
Many ERs need photo identifications to avoid any insurance or billing fraud. You may also be asked for ID when the admissions representative enquires about insurance cards. Make sure that you carry all essential ID cards such as state ID, driving license, or other proof. It can help you to visit the emergency room with no hassle.
Emergency Contact Information
Do not forget to carry information of your close friends or relatives. If your life is at risk and doctors want your loved ones to be there, they can contact them. The medical staff will have access to the list and call your desired people. However, make sure you have someone on hand to look out for your best interest.
Final Words-
Visiting ER is very common. Americans who need medical services go to the emergency room about half the time. The need for ER may depend upon how you feel when you need medical help. Even if you have a planned visit to emergency room by calling ahead, you can make it as smooth as possible simply by taking the above-mentioned things to the ER.